Is Planet X God’s End Time Tribulation? --[Reported by Umva mag]

“In the Last Days there will be a Great Tribulation,< Unequalled in all of World History. Unlessthose days are shortened, No onewill survive.” Matthew 24:21-22 {Planet X  Documentary Film at the End of This Article.}  Many people suspect that some… The post Is Planet X God’s End Time Tribulation? appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

Oct 4, 2024 - 17:04
Is  Planet X  God’s End Time Tribulation? --[Reported by Umva mag]

“In the Last Days there will be a Great Tribulation,< Unequalled in all of World History.

those days are shortened,

No one
will survive.”

Matthew 24:21-22
{Planet X  Documentary Film at the End of This Article.}

Many people suspect that some sort of “tribulation” is headed our way. Economic, political, or geological, are some of the best guesses. What if the global trial that is anticipated encompasses all of theses at the very same time? An unprecedented simultaneous combination of all of these disasters would indeed make such a cataclysm “Unequalled in all of world history.”

The outer planets of our solar system, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, were each successively discovered by observing the perturbations (or gravitational deviations) of the next closest known planet to them. That is to say, the existence of a yet discovered planet in our solar system, more remote than the farthest one from the Sun presently known at any given time in history, was discovered by studying the unusual gravitational motions of the farthest known planet, which indicated that at least one more planet was beyond it. Saturn had deviations in its orbit indicating that Uranus existed beyond it, even though Uranus was not actually seen until 150 years later. When Uranus was finally observed, its orbital path deviations likewise indicated that Neptune existed beyond it, even though Neptune did not become visible until many decades later. When Pluto was discovered in 1930, it too gave evidence that another, much larger body, was beyond it. Shortly after this, the term “Planet X” came to light to best describe this yet to be seen mysterious large heavenly object at the edge of our solar system.

My military sources informed me that it was sometime during President Eisenhower’s second term (1957-1960) that his leading scientists confirmed the existence of Planet X by using specialized radio telescopes, which are still classified to this day. The Pioneer 10 (1972) and Voyager 1 & 2 (1977) unmanned space probes were all specifically designed with their primary purpose being to triangulate the precise location and trajectory of Planet X. In early press releases of these probes, NASA even mentioned this as the purpose for their mission, though they never mentioned this ever again and deleted all known references of it from their files. The New York Times even published a story about these same NASA space probes having successfully discovered Planet X in 1981, yet there was no additional article from them of the mysterious Planet X ever again. Two years later, in 1983, the Washington Post also reported that Planet X had been discovered, this time by a newly launched infrared satellite telescope, yet they too never published a story about Planet X ever again.

In 1990 the chief astronomer for the United States, Dr. Robert S. Harrington of the Naval Observatory, announced with certainty the approach of Planet X into our inner solar system, crossing the very orbit of Earth, and then after his death, he was replaced by a presidential appointee who never mentioned this controversial and alarming subject ever again. It seems like each new generation of scientists and journalists gets excited about the repeated re-discovery of Planet X, and then for some strange reason, they are asked, or pressured, not to talk about Planet X ever again. Why is this? What is the big secret? Why would the discovery of a new outer planet be such a taboo subject? Why indeed?! I suspect the reason is because the powers-that-be want to keep this information to themselves, in order to use it to their own advantage. The question then arises, why the secrecy, if Planet X merely orbits the sun in a normal fashion? This may mean that Planet X does not orbit the sun in a normal fashion. What other kind of orbit is there?A highly elliptical one, like a comet, which may bring Planet X perilously close to the Earth in the future.

The next question is, why is the government, and the powers-that-be, not telling the public about Planet X and why would this secrecy be to their advantage? The so-called “super-rich elite” at the top of our societal pyramid (who are the ones who actually control the government) have long been on the record saying that the world would be a much better place if seven and a half billion “inferior” people would just go away somehow. Perhaps not wanting to be the next historical genocidal villain, the powers-that-be are privately preparing their own bunkers, with plans of letting “mother nature” (Planet X) do their dirty work of population reduction for them. That is to say, if Planet X gets close enough to the Earth in the coming years, there would be so many global cataclysmic geological and climate changes, that unless you specifically prepared for them, you would not at all survive, unlike those in the know of Planet X’s coming arrival.

I was first told about Planet X by a high-ranking source at NASA in 1989, more than thirty years ago. They said that Planet X might make a dangerously close approach to the Earth sometime in the first half of the 21st century, and that I might still be alive to see it. In 1989, worrying about something several decades away was not one of my top priorities. Yet now, more than twenty years into the 21st century, the long ago warning of Planet X is reappearing in my mind. As Planet X is estimated to be seven times larger than the Earth, its dramatic gravitational effects would cause apocalyptic disasters upon our entire planet, even if its closest approach was a distant 600 million miles away. Even at this great distance, if Planet X’s closest approach was somewhere between Jupiter and Saturn, Planet X would pull Jupiter further away from the Sun, which in turn would pull the Earth further away from the Sun, which would then wreak global havoc on Earth’s climate, to the point of near total annihilation, with a dramatic increase in volcanoes, tidal waves, meteor showers, and earthquakes, all of which the Scriptures foretell as happening at the End of Time, just before the Messiah’s return.

Be sure to watch the Planet X documentary film from The Weather Channel at the end of this article, which succinctly outlines these frightening possibilities.

Planet X is what astronomers call a “Rogue Planet”, which is one that floats freely through space, or has a highly eccentric orbit like a comet, rather than circling a star on the traditional elliptical plane. As noted in the Guardian article subtitled “Twice as Many Rogue Planets as Orbiting Ones”, this would mean that there are 200 to 800 billion rogue planets in our own home galaxy. Additionally, some believe that Planet X is pitch black and very cold, thus making it impossible to see through traditional optical telescopes, until it is very close to the Earth and glows red as it nears our Sun. By this time, preparation for it would likely be far too late. Only government officials (and the vatican, of all entities) have the required specialized infrared telescopes and satellites to observe “Planet X”, the equipment of which, I am told, was specifically designed for this highly confidential purpose. In fact, the most powerful optical telescope in the world, which also has the infrared capability to detect such a cold non-reflective rogue planet, is not only owned by the highly secretive “jesuit” sect of the vatican (their version of the CIA), it was mysteriously named by the papacy itself as the “Lucifer” Telescope.

Why in the world would the supposed christian” papacy honor the world’s best telescope with the name of “Lucifer?  I believe this is because the telescope was specifically designed to track Planet X, whose nickname is “Lucifer” (aka “The Destroyer”; see John 10:10), as it may destroy most of the Earth. Planet X was also nicknamed “The Dragon” in 1054 A.D. by Chinese astronomers during a previous passing, because of its red color and “wings” of meteor storms on each side of it as it neared the Sun. In fact, Malachi Martin, a vatican “jesuit” priest who disavowed the sworn secrecy of this sect just prior to his death, said this about the “Lucifer” telescope’s hidden purpose, “The highest levels of the vatican governance know what is Approaching the Earth and it will be of the utmost importance in the coming years.

In regard to Planet X playing a significant role in “End Time” events (as potentially God’s chosen instrument to bring about the “Final Great Tribulation”), there are basically two opinions on this matter: 1) Those of a strictly scientific background, who acknowledge the existence of Planet X and its potential for future Earth cataclysms, yet dismiss any scriptural references of such past occurrences or future prophetic fulfillment. 2) Those who are only religious, who disregard the scientific or historical evidence that such a rogue planet may have played in past secular or scriptural history, as well as disregarding any future geological or biblically prophetic events that may be caused by such. Personally, I think the most accurate perspective is one which includes bothscience and the scriptures. When these two perspectives are combined, this not only indicates Planet X’s potential for causing the science-based forecasted effects of upcoming worldwide geological catastrophes (which the scientific community acknowledges would result from a passing large rogue planet’s intense gravity), it also includes Prophetic Fulfillment of numerous scriptural warnings of “A time of trouble coming upon the Whole World which will be greater than at any other time in all of history.”

For an Overview of Scriptural References of End Time Global Catastrophes, see the following Full Chapters: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Ezekiel 7, Joel 2, Isaiah 13 & 24.

Both Planet X scientists, and End Times scriptural scholars which I have interviewed, are predicting the exact same soon coming events, which may be caused by a large approaching heavenly object, the Rogue Planet, Planet X: 1) An increase in newly discovered unpredictable comets and asteroids headed towards the Earth, which are thrown out of their normal orbits by Planet X’s gravitational field as it approaches (which has already started to happen, as dozens of previously unknown asteroids have been spotted recently, with only a few days warning before nearing the Earth’s orbit; see Revelation 8:8-11). 2) An increase in global earthquakes, as the much larger than Earth Planet X approaches, it pulls at the Earth’s crust with ever increasing intensity (which has already started to happen, as worldwide earthquakes have risen by 1000% over the last ten years; see Matthew 24:7). 3) Upcoming disastrous meteor showers, as the Earth passes twice through Planet X’s debris field of millions of accompanying asteroids (see Revelation 6:13). 4) Hailstones of up to 100 pounds falling from the sky, as the Earth tilts on its axis temporarily by Planet X’s gravity, causing arctic air (which does not tilt) to suddenly appear atop warmer climates, resulting in the frigid moist air instantaneously freezing and falling from the sky as massive sheets of ice (see Revelation 16:21). 5) Worldwide tidal waves and coastal flooding, caused by Planet X’s approach and accompanying major earthquakes (see Revelation 16:20 & Luke 21:25). 6) An increased in solar flares, as the sun’s energy is magnetically drawn toward Planet X (see Revelation 16:9). 7) Economic collapse and food shortages, caused by the lack of conventional distribution of food, caused by the subsequent destruction of most bridges, railroads, and power grids from the foregoing earthquakes (see Revelation 6:6) 8) Disease epidemics, caused by the lack of sanitation due to the earthquake’s destruction of important infrastructure (see Revelation 2:23, 6:8, 18:8). 9) Widespread war, resulting from all of the aforementioned escalating events, as nations fight over dwindling resources (see Matthew 24:7). 10) Martial Law and domestic political unrest, due to the fighting over resources at the local level (see Isaiah 3:5-7).

The Messiah said that all these things

would immediately precede His return:

There will be Signs in the Sun,

in the Moon, and in the Sky;

and on the Earth, distress of Nations,

with Perplexity,

As the sea and the waves roar,*

{*Caused by the Increased Tidal Effects from Planet X}

Men’s hearts failing them from fear

and expectation of those things

which are coming upon The Whole Earth,

The Heavens will be shaken.”

Luke 21:25-26

Unusual weather patterns (summer and winter); Unexplained deaths of thousands of land and sea animals; A rash of sinkholes and cracks in the ground (resulting in random gas pipeline explosions, bridge collapses, and train derailments); An increase in volcanic eruptions; and most importantlythe Earth’s magnetic north pole moving at an astounding 579 feet per day, all may be the result of Rogue Planet X’s increasing gravitational interaction as it steadfastly approaches the Earth. Just the magnetic poles changing could spell disaster for the entire Earth, as this could dramatically disrupt electrical power grids, which by itself would mean an end to traditional fuel and food delivery worldwide.

The Earth is not alone in feeling these unprecedented effects. The temperature, orbit, and luminosity of all the planets in the solar system have recently been dramatically altered. The pressure on the surface of Pluto has increased by 300%. Neptune’s poles have completely reversed (as Earth’s may be about to do). Never-before-seen gigantic storms have been appearing on Uranus. The size of Saturn’s rings have decreased by 20%. Jupiter’s atmosphere is undergoing unprecedented changes in color and radiation. The polar ice caps on Mars have melted, for the first time in human observation. The otherwise highly consistent eleven year solar cycle is becoming longer, for the first time ever recorded. The Sun’s medium optical spectrum has changed from yellow to white, and the Sun is emitting never-before-seen mutagenic particles. All of these unprecedented changes are simultaneously occurring right now on Earth and on every planet in our solar system, yet very few people know about all of this and the cataclysmic magnitude these events may have for everyone on Earth in the near future.

The rogue “Planet X” can be found numerous times in both secular and biblical history. The Sumerians, who predate the Egyptians and are often referred to as the first civilization, called this heavenly intruder (which they observed has a comet-like repeatable pattern of appearance) the planet “Nibiru”. The Hopi Indians called it “Kachina”. The Bible refers to it as “Wormwood (Revelation 8:11). Astronomers in the know call it “Nemesis”, “Tyche”, “Planet X”, or “Planet 7X”as it is estimated to be seven times larger than the Earth (with seven being a significant Biblical number in the End Times book Revelation).

It is most accurately believed that this wandering planet visits our solar system about every 360 years, not the 3600 years as wrongly predicted by Zecharia Sitchin, who is said to have mistranslated the zero, or tenth decimal point in his mistaken calculations. The idea that Planet X appears to traverse our solar system less frequently than it actually does, may be due to the fact that it often arrives on the opposite side of the sun than planet Earth is located at the time, therefore it was frequently unnoticed by past generations. Planet X’s known previous passages are mentioned in the historical records of various ancient cultures: Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman, Maya, Aztec, Toltec, Iranian, Hebrew, Persian, Hindu, and Chinese. Only the NASA record remains secretive to the public, allegedly to not cause global panic, though the real reason may be to deliberately destroy the majority of the public whom they perceive as “useless eaters”.

Planet X’s previous passages correspond to Noah’s flood, Sodom & Gomorrah’s “Fire from Heaven, the famine of Joseph, Joshua’s battle victory with a meteor shower, and the time of Moses with the ten plagues of Egypt. (At this same time, it is historically recorded that enormous earthquakes were devastating parts of China, while the Minoan civilization near Crete was destroyed by an enormous volcanic eruption, perhaps caused by Planet X’s enormous gravitational effects.)  Today it is believed by some Christian astronomers that Planet X (Wormwood) will be God’s chosen instrument for bringing about the long foretold “End Time Great Tribulation”, when it is said, “The heavens will be shaken and the seas will roar and men’s hearts will melt with fear for what is coming upon the earth. (Luke 21:25-26)

I believe that the false “Year 2000 Computer Meltdown” (Y2K) and the following dud of the “Mayan 2012 Apocalypse” may have both been deliberate hoaxes, orchestrated by the elite-controlled media, in order to generate in the public the cognitive dissonance of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, specifically designed to discredit the coming reality of the approaching Planet X, with its similar “End of the World” scenarios. By intentionally building up two previous false cataclysmic events, both of which ended in a “great disappointment”, these media deceiver’s intention may be for the citizens of the world to not believe the real impending doom when it is about to befall them. I suspect the same may be true of the numerous false dates “leaked” out by clever CIA/NSA run “Planet X” websites, in order to discredit the actual impending reality. By repeatedly having date after date not come to fruition, I believe that these media manipulators hope to jade the public into discounting the actual seriousness of the approaching event, so as to catch them unaware, “like a thief in the night” (1st Thessalonians 5:1 – 4), and thusly rid the world of those whom they perceive as the “inferior population”, due to their lack of preparedness for the coming global crisis. You might even equate the similarity of this to those who try to predict the second coming of the Messiah. Just because repeated specific forecasts of His return have proven to be unsuccessful, this does not mean that the Messiah is not coming in the near future nonetheless.

The confusion and diversity of opinions regarding the Book of Revelation is similar to the dividing camps of “Science vs. Religion” in regard to understanding Planet X, with the true answer likely being found by incorporating both points of view. With the Book of Revelation, there also appears to be two distinctive opinions: Literal vs. Symbolic, as well as the choice between the events described therein having occurred before the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 A.D.vs. the opinion that the events described therein will occur in the Last Days right before the Messiah’s return. Some argue wholeheartedly that the Book of Revelation is either one or the other. What I propose, is that the Book of Revelation may be all of these. God is such an artist, andscientist simultaneously, with a depth of mind that is beyond human understanding, that it may be that the Book of Revelation is both symbolic and literalat the same time, and that the events described therein did take place before the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 A.D., and will take place againon a global scale, at the end of the age. The Book of Revelation may be symbolicand it may also be literal, it may have been fulfilled before 70 A.D., and it may also be re-fulfilled, worldwide, in the Last Days! Has anyone ever considered this possibility?

One of the most important and under reported events in the entire history of the world, which is recorded in the ancient documents of numerous independent countries (though you have to dig for it), is the fact that prior to 705 B.C. all of the advanced civilizations of the world, which had amazingly accurate calendars based on the Earth’s rotation around the Sun; the Hebrews, the Mayans, the Egyptians, and the Chinese, all recorded that the Earth’s orbital year around the Sun was exactly 360 daysnot the 365.25 day year which we have now. (This is also quite a testimony of a Divine Creator, as each month of the twelve had precisely 30 days, like meticulously designed clockwork; also note the 360 degrees on a compass, whose pattern came from this original solar year.) Around 705 B.C., literally overnight, all of the above separated cultures immediately and simultaneously changed all of their independent calendars to a 365.25 day year. The question is, how could the Earth’s year (the number of days it needs to travel around the Sun) change from 360 days to 365.25 days overnight?

Around 705 B.C. the Scriptures record in 2nd Kings 20:8 – 20:11 that the prophet Isaiah asked God for a sign that He would fulfill His promise of a Divine healing of King Hezekiah. The requested sign was for the shadow on their version of a “sundial” to go the opposite direction than normal. (Their “sundial” was actually a stairway built to precisely calculate the hours of the day, based on the degree to which the sun’s shadow fell upon the increasing or decreasing steps, presumably one step per hour, not the traditional circular sundial.) In order to accomplish this requested miracle, rather than the Earth having to stop and rotate in the other direction (as would be required with a traditional circular sundial), the Earth would instead have to tilt on its axis temporarily, and many researchers now believe that this is precisely what happened in 705 B.C, due to a “cosmic freak of nature”, which was at the very same time that the Earth’s year changed from its original 360 days.

As you can see from an amazing recent Weather Channel documentary about “Rogue Planets” (that is, Planet X), a link to which is at the end of this article, there are at least Two Hundred Billion rogue planets free floating in our own home galaxy, which is twice the number of planets estimated to be orbiting stars therein. As mentioned previously, and as described in this film, if such a rogue planet (Planet X) were to just come relatively far away from the Earth, somewhere between Saturn and Jupiter (or about 600 million miles away), it would pull Jupiter further away from the Sun, which in turn would pull the Earth further away from the Sun, which is what could cause the aforementioned catastrophic events. I believe that this is exactly what happened in 705 B.C., that the Earth was pulled farther away from the Sun by the regularly passing (seven times larger) rogue Planet X, which now causes the Earth to take an extra 5.25 days to orbit the Sun than it previously did, because of the newly increased distance from it. As Planet X is nicknamed Lucifer by the vatican (or the Biblical Destroyer), you can now see the Divine symbolism here of the “rogue” (rebellious) planet, named after the rogue rebellious devil, which destroyed the indisputable proof of Divine Creation, in that prior to this time, the Earth had twelve equal months (one for each tribe of Israel), all of which lasted exactly 30 days, with a 360 day year, as the total degrees on a compass originally represented.

This undeniable fingerprint of planetary precision was originally absolute proof of Divine Creation. Now, because of this symbolic and literal devilish destruction, the lunar and solar calendars no longer synchronize, with each month varying in length, as planet Lucifer destroyed God’s mathematical planetary testimony of precise Divine Creation. I believe that in the First Age of the Earth God allowed, or even orchestrated Planet X, as a heavenly representation of Satan, to destroy His important testimony of Divine Creation, just as the Messiah allowed Himself to be destroyed, as a symbolic lesson for all of mankind of the destructive nature of rebellion against God. The Creator may again use Planet X, one more time, in the Last Age of the Earth, to bring about the much needed rebuke of rebellious mankind and His rebellious fallen angel, who led all of mankind into doing the same rebellion.

This planetary event of 705 B.C is concrete scientific, historical, and Scriptural proof, that a rogue planet (Planet X) has passed near the Earth before, with severe global consequences, and thusly it could happen again, even in the near future. Because of these discoveries, the highly respected scientists at the Weather Channel, virtually overnight, have turned Planet X from being the craziest of all conspiracy theories, into one that is entirely logical and possible. (Be sure to watch their documentary about Rogue Planets, which is linked at the end of this article.) Even the Scriptural Book of Isaiah, which also prophesies about the Last Days of Judgment, says “The Earth will be moved out of its place.” (Isaiah 13:13)

It is clear through numerous presidential executive orders pertaining to a future scenario of a worldwide disaster, as well as the United States government buying up all available ammunition for “homeland security” (enough to shoot all 300 million Americans six times each), all the while arming local police with automatic assault rifles and armored vehicles, that the U.S. governmental authorities are preparing for a catastrophe that will result in Martial Law. People assume that this will commence because of economic or political instability. While this may be partially true, the question is, what is actually the root cause of this strange governmental catastrophic planning?

My sources are telling me that the recent rash of mass deaths of fish and birds are coming from the increase in minor underground earthquakes (which are imperceivable to the public) caused by the gravitational influence of this large approaching heavenly body, which then release underwater and underground methane gas, which in turn kills these animals. I am also told that Planet X is the reason why so many comets and asteroids are being discovered with so little advance warning (when previously they were detected decades before their arrival), because new gravitational waves, which precede the path of Planet X, are causing numerous comets and asteroids to be thrown off of their normal elliptical orbits, hurling some dangerously close to the Earth.

Just as President Eisenhower waited until the very last day of his presidency to speak his mind about the corruptive depravity of the United States government (likely to evade assassination by the “power-elite” of whom he critically spoke, who indeed assassinated his successor when he likewise critically spoke), Janet Napolitano, outgoing director of “Homeland Security”, also said some very startling and alarming words in her farewell speech regarding an upcoming national calamity. As reported by ABC News she said: “A natural disaster, the likes of which the nation has never seen, is likely on its way.”  What exactly does this mean?

What natural disaster has never before been seen in the United States and can be predicted years in advance? It cannot be a hurricane, earthquake, volcano, tornado, flood, or blizzard, because we have seen all of these before, and they cannot be predicted in advance. The only disaster that comes to mind that is unprecedented and natural and predictable years in advance is a catastrophe coming from outer space. The only ones of these that I know of are a devastating comet, asteroid, magnetic pole change, or a newly discovered large rogue planet that is heading towards the Earth. These are the only natural disasters that I can think of that Americans have “Never before seen” and that can also be known about in advance. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, we should note that only a catastrophe from outer space, such as a large rogue planet, comet, or asteroid, could be predicted in advance, due to their calculable trajectories, as Napolitano clearly stated that this foretold catastrophe “IS on its way”.

Again, this candid top government official recently said, right before she left office, “A NATURAL DISASTER, THE LIKES OF WHICH THE NATION HAS NEVER SEEN, IS LIKELY ON ITS WAY.” Do you now see why the government has been preparing over the last few years for implementing Martial Law? As I discussed in a video I made in September of 2016 (which is linked to in the description underneath the Planet X film at the end of this article), I warned my fellow Americans that the United States Government was preparing to lockdown the country under the disguise of a “Pandemic Quarantine. I also made a video in April of 2020 suggesting that the “Corona Virus Pandemic” may in fact be a governmental drill (and public psychological martial law preparation) for the coming of the more serious lockdowns because of Planet X. (This video is also linked to in the description underneath the Planet X film at the end of this article.)

While some may argue that without effort on their part “The Lord will take care of them in times of crisis”, the method through which The Lord may take care of you during this coming calamity may be the foreknowledge of such impending cataclysmic events. The books of the “Minor Prophets”, at the end of the Old Testament, as well as the book of Revelation, appear to have been written to prepare God’s people for the “Last Days” and its “Great Tribulation”.

My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge.

Hosea 4:6

How was Joseph and his family protected from the seven years of famine and tribulation in ancient Israel? Did God drop food from the sky every day for seven years for them to eat?  No! God gave Joseph foreknowledge of the terrible events to come, and then Joseph acted on the information accordingly, to prepare for the impending calamity.  He stockpiled food and supplies for himself and his family, in order to survive the coming crisis. Yes, wise Joseph was a “Prepper  (Genesis 41:15-37)

It wouldn’t hurt to purchase and tuck away a few extra can goods, batteries, bottled water, and toiletries. You have a spare tire for your car, even though a flat is a one-in-a-thousand chance, right? Better to have something and not need it, then to need something and not have it. As the Terminator said in movie 3, “Judgment Day is Inevitable”.

I have been researching the topic of Planet X for about twenty years, and as more and more information comes to light, it appears more and more likely that it might very well be true. You have been informed. What you do with the information is up to you. (Ezekiel 33:1-5) While the exact time of the return of the Messiah is unknown, what we do know is that a great “Time of Trouble”, “Unequalled in all of World History”, WILL precede His arrival. Accordingly, you might want to prepare your house, and especially your soul.

There will be Signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars, with Distress of All the Nations on the Entire Earth. The Ocean’s Waves will be Roaring Everywhere. Men’s hearts will Fail them with Paralyzing Fear and Dread of those things which are Coming Upon the Whole Earth, as the Entire Heavens will be Violently Shaken. After this, All the World will see the Messiah coming down from the Sky in a Great Cloud, with Tremendous Power, and Great Glory. When you See these first things Beginning to Happen, Lift Up Your Head and Earnestly Look Up, because the Salvation of the Saved is At Hand.”

Luke 21:25-28

For an Overview of Scriptural References of End Time Global Catastrophes, see the following Full Chapters: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Ezekiel 7, Joel 2, Isaiah 13 & 24.

The post Is Planet X God’s End Time Tribulation? appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

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