Yes, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can in fact alter the human genome. --[Reported by Umva mag]

In a study from May of 2021, Zhang et al. showed that RNA from SARS-CoV-2 can be reverse transcribed and integrated into the human genome within infected cells [1].  The researchers from MIT and the National Cancer Institute explained that… The post Yes, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can in fact alter the human genome. appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

Oct 4, 2024 - 17:02
Yes, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can in fact alter the human genome. --[Reported by Umva mag]

In a study from May of 2021, Zhang et al. showed that RNA from SARS-CoV-2 can be reverse transcribed and integrated into the human genome within infected cells [1].  The researchers from MIT and the National Cancer Institute explained that this RNA can then be expressed as chimeric transcripts and detected inside patient-derived tissues.  Such integration would allow for prolonged viral RNA shedding beyond the stage of there being evidence for virus replication – yielding positive PCR tests outside the time period of acute infection or symptomatic relief [2] [3].  This has been widely reported [4].

The above lines up with the fact that in some patient tissues, an abundance of negative-strand RNA (from SARS-CoV-2) has been found, some of which being chimeral [5].  This lends credence to the uptake into genomic DNA of SARS-CoV-2 sequences.  And the uptake of these sequences with their subsequent expression could lead to continuous immune stimulation without the production of an infectious virus, triggering autoimmunity as has been observed in some COVID-19 patients [6] [7].

SARS-CoV-2 is a positive-strand RNA virus (meaning its genome can function as mRNA that is immediately translatable upon cell entry), so in order for it to insert itself into host DNA, endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes are needed [8].  As Zhang et al. demonstrated, one source of these enzymes is the LINE-1 family of retrotransposons, which make up about 17% of our genome [9].  And we know that expression of LINE-1 retrotransposons is upregulated upon infection with SARS-CoV-2 [10].

Now for the kicker.  In their February of 2022 study, Alden et al. revealed that mRNA from the BNT162b2 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can be reverse transcribed intracellularly in as little as six hours after its administration to human cells [11].  This vaccine encodes, in full length, the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 [12].  Alden et al. witnessed a significantly increased expression of LINE-1 elements after exposure to mRNA from the BNT162b2 vaccine, and they detected DNA amplicons that were identical to the BNT162b2 sequence (meaning RNA from the vaccine was reverse transcribed into complementary DNA).  The authors highlighted reverse transcription through LINE-1 elements as the likely mechanism for the DNA seen.

For corroboration, Yin et al. found the LINE-1 family to form chimeric transcripts with SARS-CoV-2 RNA with high efficiency, concluding that “coronavirus infection increases retrotransposon expression in human cells…and increased retrotransposon RNA may further form chimeric transcripts with coronavirus RNA for integration of viral genomic fragments into human genome” [13].

Next, there have been case reports of individuals developing autoimmune hepatitis after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine [14].  Because quite a bit of each dose of this vaccine can be distributed to the liver, the case reports of autoimmune hepatitis could be taken as evidence of integrated BNT162b2 mRNA in hepatic cells with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein manufacturing by the same.

Going further, we should also understand that the spike proteins encoded by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are not bioequivalent to that of the native virus, as expressed by McKernan, Kyriakopoulos, and McCullough [15].  These authors pointed out that the mRNAs from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines exhibit significantly altered secondary structures as a result of using codon optimization in designing the vaccines.  Codon optimization refers to a genetic engineering technique for increasing the amount of protein produced from a given template, like an mRNA vaccine, which can present unique hazards such as the generation of peptides that are toxic or “interfere with normal cellular functions,” as discussed by Mauro and Chappell in 2014 [16].  Add to that the substitution of N1-methylpseudouridine for uridine in the mRNA vaccines, which may promote cancer initiation and weakened responses to other pathogens [17] [18] [19].  Support for this comes from the case reports of varicella-zoster virus reactivation following receipt of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, as well as the accounts of lymphocytopenia and neutropenia (low white blood cell counts) after vaccination [20] [21].

Additional and more alarming support for the above comes from the investigation by Jiang and Mei published in the peer-reviewed journal Viruses last October, which uncovered the ability of the full-length SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to strongly inhibit DNA repair in nuclei by obstructing recruitment of DNA repair proteins [22].  The observed impairment to V(D)J recombination can stifle adaptive immunity by sabotaging the development of B cells and T cells and their antigen receptors [23].  This can lead to a kind of immunodeficiency, and as Jiang and Mei explained in their paper, the same problem is possible with spike protein-based vaccines: “full-length spike-based vaccines may inhibit the recombination of V(D)J in B cells, which is also consistent with a recent study that a full-length spike-based vaccine induced lower antibody titers compared to the RBD-based vaccine” [24].

Are COVID-19 vaccines actually effective?

In his excellent appraisal published in a 2021 issue of the peer-reviewed journal Medicina, based on the data submitted by Pfizer and Moderna from their clinical trials, Brown revealed that the absolute risk reductions of their vaccines only amount to 0.7% and 1.1%, respectively [25].  Because absolute risk reduction and relative risk reduction numbers can vary greatly, both measures must be included in reports of efficacy to prevent outcome reporting bias.  The approval of these two vaccines by the FDA ignored their own guidelines for communicating risks, from which I will now quote: “Provide absolute risks, not just relative risks.  Patients are unduly influenced when risk information is presented using a relative risk approach; this can result in suboptimal decisions.  Thus, an absolute risk format should be used” [26].  As Brown wrote in his appraisal, the intentional omission by Pfizer and Moderna of the absolute risk reduction measures from publicly disclosed documents was misleading and violated “the ethical and legal obligations of informed consent.”

In their article published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, Broudy and Hoop finely expose the tools of propaganda currently being employed for this pandemic [27].  Quoting from that paper, “We draw upon the history of recent wars and the fear-driven narratives aimed at nudging the public toward uncritical acceptance of the new emerging social and economic global order.  We adopt Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s ‘Propaganda Model’ to describe how mainstream media perform in manufacturing consent to policies that tighten control over populations and degrade rights, agency, and sovereignty.  Here we consider the efforts of globalist political actors who seek to co-opt or influence political institutions around the world and position themselves as unelected rulers of an emerging authoritarian order.  We argue that agenda-setting media are predisposed to serve elite interests that shape news coverage, bound public debate, and obscure new forms of warfare behind the smokescreen of a manufactured Global War on Pathogens (GWOP).  We introduce critical analysis and alternative perspectives, largely marginalized by the mainstream, on the hidden conflicts of interest involved in the demands for full social compliance.”

In his 1952 book, The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell foretold of exactly what we are seeing today thusly: “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.  Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so” [28].

Are COVID-19 vaccines actually safe?

Another concern that has been raised with the mass deployment of COVID-19 vaccines is the triggering of antibody-dependent enhancement, a mechanism through which secondary viral infection is worsened by precursory production of nonneutralizing antibodies which augment viral cell entry and infection [29].  This can take place with wild-type exposure in primary viral infection, but it can also occur because of vaccination, especially if there is repeat inoculation (boosters), as voiced by Majumder and Razzaque, “…‘antibody-dependent enhancement’ and viral mutations may contribute to increase [sic] disease burden associated with repeated vaccine inoculation” [30].  Sanchez-Zuno et al. also warned of the same in their 2021 review, “Vaccines against one specific serotype produce cross-reactive nonneutralizing antibodies against other serotypes, predisposing the enhanced illness in secondary heterotypic infection” [31].

For good measure, also have a listen to what Dr. Mina T. Kelleni from Minia University had to say on the issue: “Moreover, all SARS CoV-2 types of vaccines…might increase the likelihood of COVID-19 severity upon re-infection through antibody dependent enhancement which might reason for the recently described abundance of hospital admissions within seven days of vaccination and might also reason for some of the serious adverse effects encountered with administration of convalescent plasma to COVID-19 patients.  Furthermore, SARS CoV-2 vaccines might share in development of some lethal SARS CoV-2 variants.  Finally, we suggest that making these COVID-19 vaccines compulsory or administering them to children or pregnant participants might be considered as a crime against humanity and an informed personalized risk benefit ratio especially for described high risk groups must be secured” [32].

Antibody-dependent enhancement has been clearly shown in animal models for SARS-CoV-1, and we know that for SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) can be mediated by monoclonal antibodies targeting the receptor-binding domain of the spike protein for these coronaviruses [33] [34].  Now, higher antibody titers have been associated with greater disease severity in COVID-19, and a study by Sahin et al. told us that anti-spike antibody levels were higher in the subjects who received a COVID-19 vaccine versus those who did not [35] [36].  The problem here is that vaccine-induced antibodies are more likely to be subneutralizing, which can accelerate infectivity and promote the escape from neutralization of variants [37].

For instance, as illustrated by Hasan et al. last year, the death rate in England from infection with the Delta variant was eight times higher in those who had received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to those who were unvaccinated [38].  The authors also spoke to the inability of the current vaccines to instill long-term immunity, for antibody titers drop rapidly within a month of the second dose for the Pfizer vaccine [39].  Contrast that with the findings of Le Bert et al., who showed that individuals who had naturally recovered from SARS-CoV-1 infection (without a vaccine administered) still had reactive memory T cells 17 years later [40].

There is a difference between the composite immune response elicited by vaccination and that which comes from wild-type exposure, as naturally, SARS-CoV-2 will be encountered by the innate immune system first along mucosal surfaces [41].  From Diamond and Kanneganti: “The innate immune system functions as the first line of host defense against pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2.  Innate immune responses limit viral entry, translation, replication and assembly, help identify and remove infected cells and coordinate and accelerate the development of adaptive immunity” [42].  Proper priming of the innate immune system strengthens antiviral immunity, specifically in the lungs, per Girkin et al. [43].  Yet, the importance of the innate arm has been neglected recently, as said by Tomalka et al.: “Most studies aimed at identifying mechanisms of vaccine-mediated immune protection have focused on adaptive immune responses.  It is well established, however, that mobilization of the innate immune response is essential to the development of effective cellular and humoral immunity” [44].  One aspect of innate immunity that is not well known is the acquisition of memory by innate immune cells (termed trained immunity), which provides for better and faster responses to future encounters with homologous or even heterologous pathogens [45].  The fullness of proper innate immune system priming is bypassed by mRNA vaccines injected directly into muscle tissue or subcutaneously [46] [47].

Evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 tends to be skilled in avoiding the interferon platoon of the innate immune system, and an ineffective interferon reaction to the presence of SARS-CoV-2 has been associated with a higher risk of severe COVID-19 [48] [49].  An ineffective interferon reaction can be caused by autoantibodies targeting interferons, which may manifest as a result of vaccination because “The Sars-CoV-2 spike protein is a potential epitopic target for biomimicry-induced autoimmunological processes” [50] [51].  This potential was confirmed by Vojdani, Vojdani, and Kharrazian, who witnessed cross-reactivity between anti-spike protein antibodies and multiple endogenous antigens from the gut, thyroid, heart, liver, and brain [52].  Of course, vaccine-induced autoimmunity is nothing new as told by Segal and Shoenfeld, who cited numerous examples of vaccination leading to lupus, multiple sclerosis, narcolepsy, and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) [53].

So, with COVID-19 vaccination we are exposed to an abundance of toxic SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins, which generates an abundance of anti-spike protein antibodies, some of which are likely to be nonneutralizing [54].  And the mRNA vaccines are capable of folding intracellular proteins into their pathological prion conformations, contributing to a form of prion disease [55].  Backing for this can be seen in the case reports of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (a prion disease) appearing after testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection, and in the case reports of the same disease appearing after receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine [56] [57].  Quoting a case report by Folds et al. of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease manifesting after reception of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, “mRNA contained in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has the potential to bind to specific proteins and cause pathologic misfolding…Spike protein, which is translated by the mRNA, can increase intracellular zinc, which has been shown to cause the conversion of TDP-43 into its pathological prion” [58].

Furthermore, assessment reports drafted by the European Medicines Agency for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines admit to the existence of truncated RNA impurities in both which, if expressed inside cells, could give rise to “unwanted immunological events,” per the authors [59].

Arriving at the final point, antibody levels alone are not the star in SARS-CoV-2 immunity, as supported by the examination by Moderbacher et al.: “Neutralizing antibody titers were not predictive of reduced disease severity in this cohort as an individual parameter.  Instead, broad and coordinated ADIMs [adaptive immune responses] were associated with lesser COVID-19 disease severity…” [60].  Multiple reports exist of COVID-19 cases resolving without intensive care in subjects on B cell depletion therapy or with “little to no neutralizing (or RBD IgG) antibodies detectable post-infection, while having significant SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell memory” [61] [62] [63].  Therefore, it is clear that natural infection can engender protection against severe cases of COVID-19, even in immunosuppressed individuals, without any of the side effects of vaccination [64] [65].

Anything else about the putative safety of COVID-19 vaccines?

With regard to spike protein shedding, the S1 segment of spike protein-based vaccine antigens can be shed [66] [67].  Exosomes secreted by most cell types in the body regularly shuttle nucleic acids, including mRNA, to other cells, and these extracellular vesicles can be extracted from bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, urine, semen, lymph, breastmilk, tears, and bronchial fluid [68] [69].  mRNA-carrying exosomes discharged through sputum or mucus offer grounds for the vaccinated to expose the unvaccinated to chimeric transcripts and vaccine-derived RNA fragments that they would not encounter organically [70] [71] [72].  As Bansal et al. showcased, exosomes expressing the Pfizer vaccine spike protein could be picked up from vaccinated subjects within two weeks [73].

For another nail in the coffin, the pivotal trials evaluating the Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen vaccines refrained from using all-cause morbidity or all-cause mortality as their primary endpoint, and instead measured confirmed COVID-19 infection within 14 days of the final dose [74].  As explained by Classen, the results are accordingly misleading, for reanalyzing the same data with all-cause severe morbidity as the primary endpoint yielded the following conclusion: “Scientific analysis of the data from pivotal clinical trials for US COVID-19 vaccines indicates the vaccines fail to show any health benefit and in fact, all the vaccines cause a decline in health in the immunized groups.”  There was statistical significance to the increase in all-cause severe morbidity in the vaccinated groups compared to the placebo groups.  Clinical trials that rely on surrogate endpoints can easily obscure the risks and benefits of interventions, and vaccine trials are notorious for this [75].

Contrary to false information from the CDC and fraudulent fact-checking websites, neither native SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins nor synthetic SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from COVID-19 vaccines are inert or safe for introduction into the body, as both can trigger cell signaling events that promote “pulmonary vascular remodeling and PAH [pulmonary arterial hypertension] as well as possibly other cardiovascular complications,” per Suzuki and Gychka [76].  This is one explanation for the observed susceptibility of individuals with cardiovascular disease to be more adversely affected by COVID-19, as voiced by Dr. Yuichiro J. Suzuki of Georgetown University: “These surprising observations that cardiovascular disease, but not respiratory disease, predisposes COVID-19 patients to develop severe and fatal conditions question the general consensus that biological responses by the human host cells are merely a consequence of the viral replication” [77].  The above is also one explanation for the case reports of myocarditis (inflamed heart muscle) and thrombosis (blood clots) following COVID-19 vaccination [78].  SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins damage vascular endothelial cells and impair mitochondrial function, and they destabilize (or make leaky) the blood-brain barrier and downregulate ACE2 receptors in the brain, which encourages dangerous neuroinflammation in the central nervous system [79] [80] [81].  This has been confirmed by Mishra and Banerjea, who illustrated how these spike proteins can modify exosomal cargo and be transported to “distant uninfected tissues and organs” and “initiate a catastrophic immune cascade” within the brain [82].


I leave you with a citation from a December 2021 editorial by Dr. Russell Blaylock published in Surgical Neurology International regarding the unscientific, non-evidence-based, and diabolical handling of this pandemic: “Discussions involving various scientific opinions have been eliminated, top scientists have been frightened into silence by threats to their careers, physicians have lost their licenses, and the concept of early treatment has been virtually eliminated.  Hundreds of thousands of people have died needlessly as a result of, in my opinion and the opinion of others, poorly designed treatment protocols, mostly stemming from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which have been rigidly enforced among all hospitals.  The economic, psychological, and institutional damage caused by these unscientific policies is virtually unmeasurable.  Whole generations of young people will suffer irreparable damage, both physical and psychological, possibly forever.  The truth must be told” [83].

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority.  Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.” – Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600)


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The post Yes, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can in fact alter the human genome. appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

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